Showing posts with label mixed media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mixed media. Show all posts

30 Jun 2013

On my selfie in june.

Summer failed to arrive on time. Inside, away from the rain, I painted a quick self-portrait instead of making the usual series of (almost) one-a-day sketches. Acrylics on stretched paper, not intended to be anything too permanent. However, I do like the result.

Whilst my painting “Along the A614” is hanging on a wall in Patchings Gallery I received news that I've been chosen for the Claire-Fontaine award. £100 of art materials.

Went to the cinema to see “Behind the Candelabra".

 All text, pros, poetry & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.

25 Feb 2010

Jam Café, Nottingham.


 Above: Jam Cafe, Nottingham. Acrylics with collage mixed media.

Out on the town last night. Big wheel on the Market square, Nottingham Contemporary Gallery, and various pubs. Ended the evening in the Jam Cafe listening to a small white reggae combo. Today I stretched some paper ready to do some paintings based on the night.

I walked home afterwards. When I turned the corner into my street who should be there under the streetlamp but Rusty, my spirit friend the fox. She always turns up at significant times. Always a good omen.

Above: Stuck in 2nd, reggae band.

Below: The Jam Cafe sofa.


 All text, pros, photos & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.