Showing posts with label exhibition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exhibition. Show all posts

6 Sept 2022

Accepted and sold.


Above: The Harley Gallery accepted BOTH of my submissions for their 2022 Open Exhibition. Well pleased.

UPDATE: Received notification, 21st September, that Plastic Pollution 2 (above top right) has sold. This means that both times I have applied to exhibit in this gallery I have been accepted and sold. And, both times the work had been praised on social media then rejected by the Patchings Art Centre.

UPDATE 2: 12th October. Went to see the exhibition with old schoolmate. Only to find another red dot on the wall, signifying the sale of the second plastic pollution painting. (Top left). Wow.

All art & text copyright ian g craig

1 Feb 2019

A day at the gallery.

Went to see my “Pub Cat” in the Harley Gallery Open Exhibition.

Then fish and chips at the Big Fish, Ollerton Roundabout.


 All text, pros, poetry, photos & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.

10 Jan 2019

Accepted & Sold.


I don’t think I’ve had anything accepted for exhibition since June, 2014, although there’s certainly been a year or two since then that I haven’t bothered trying. This particular one (a digital print from the original drawing) was even rejected in May 2018 by the Patchings Gallery, and was originally drawn way back in 2012. The Harley Gallery is new territory for me.

Update: Sold! I expected no prize for my little sketch but had a sneaking suspicion that if it did get accepted it stood a good chance of being sold. Which it has! Only £70, which means I get my money back on the framing and printing rather than any profit (let alone my time). But it’s good to get a public sale.

 All text, pros, poetry, photos & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.

16 Jun 2014

Accepted in June.

My "Skeggie Day Trip" painting on show this month in Patchings Gallery.

 All text, pros, photos, poetry & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.

30 Sept 2013

Exhibited, published, awarded.

After being included in an exhibition at Patchings Gallery, my painting “Along the A614” was published in Painters Online magazine as a result of winning the Clairefontaine Award. It was then also selected and shown in the Thoresby Gallery Open Exhibition.

 In search of new ideas this month I also painted two quick self-portraits, and three experimental paintings. The third of these was also a parody of a David Hockney's "Flight Into of Italy". I call my Flight out of Liverpool..

Thoresby Park stepped back into my life to a small degree when I was invited to  attended a VIP buffet and lecture about the war years on the estate, as well as contribute my memories of Lady Manvers to the Nottingham Uni History Dept. A most enjoyable afternoon, and I was able to contribute / clarify some information the speaker was unsure of.

 All text, pros, poetry & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.

20 Oct 2012

Out of Season.


I made my annual trip to Skegness but, having now painted all I wanted to about the subject, and visiting the town so late out of season, it was maybe one visit too many. Sunny and quite warm, but more familiar than fun. Video of the day on Skegness Day Trip.


Above: One of my paintings, Colston Bassett Church (c.2009) SOLD from Christie’s Framers.

All artwork & text copyright Ian G Craig.

30 Jul 2012

Summer success.

 Below: I’m having a good season! Three paintings in an exhibition at Thoresby Courtyard Gallery:

 Below: One selected for the prestigious Patchings Gallery exhibition.


Below: Selected as Editor’s Choice for inclusion in Painters Online magazine. It makes no sense to me whatsoever, that Patchings Art Centre rejected this piece, and yet it is published as Editor's Choice in what is effectively their magazine. More about this artwork on THIS LINK.

Below: My work on public display (at their invitation), at Christie Frames:

Below: The Malt Cross Inn asked me if I would submit some scans of the sketches I did inside their venue, to be a part of their lottery / heritage bid. Some of these are now more than a couple of years old, so I do like it when they get their day in the sun:

 All text, pros, photos & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.

30 Sept 2010

Summer stress & higher spirits.

Spent the end of July and the first weeks in August, wiping off as much paint as I applied. Much retreating to the duvet ensued.

 Rusty Pearl came by again, a city fox I call my animal spirit guide. She stood on the patio and pointed to the empty space where I used to put out raw chicken for her, but what I think she was really doing was pointing out the empty space in me compared to how I was when first we met. She always communicates so clearly. Seriously.

The last week of August found me playing guitar and singing in an after-hours jam session. A very casual affair, but it felt good after so many years. Never thought I'd be doing that again.

All text, pros, photos & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.

22 Apr 2009

Colston Bassett accepted.



A letterbox full of returned A4 prints usually means rejection. However, this year there was one print missing, "retained by the gallery for internet use". Which means my painting of Colston Basset church has been accepted for the Patchings Art Centre 2009 Exhibition.

Of course, one is then left pondering “Why that one, and not one of the others?” But I can see why: The painting looks like the moment in which it was created. Spontaneous; scant regard for fussy detail in preference for bold brush strokes, colour, contrasting tones, and a striking composition. In fact, I had a sneaking suspicion that, if any were to be accepted, this one would be it. It’s almost “commercial”.

All text & artworks copyright ian g craig.

20 Sept 2007

Thoresby Gallery.


Thoresby Gallery had the ridiculous idea of using the end section of their gallery as a Salon des Refusés. In mid-19th century France that term heralded a revolution in Art, here it's just an area where they've placed all the entries they've actually rejected. All of my submissions this year were rejected, one to be propped up on the carpet, one hung on the wall. If they are showing them to the public, then they are surely accepted. It makes no sense to me.

All artwork & text copyright ian g craig.

2 Nov 2006

Thoresby Gallery


"Sunflower Seeds". My first painting to be exhibited since leaving full time employment, though I'm happy to say there were many in the past.

This meant a lot to me. Thoresby Gallery is a short walk away from Perlethorpe Primary School in which, as a child, my first paintings were once pinned on a wall.

All text, pros, photos & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.