Showing posts with label lock down. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lock down. Show all posts

24 Nov 2020

A poem for the pandemic.



What day is it today?

How to make my time go by?

The street is filled with school yard silence

No vapour trails in the sky.

An updated version of this poem was included in my book "46 Contemporary Poems".

 All text, pros, poetry & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.

8 Apr 2020

M-m-m- my Corona part 4.


Yesterday I received the call from my mother’s carer. Coronavirus has now entered her care home.

What then stayed in my mind for the rest of the evening was not so much the information; frankly that had been anticipated. No. The thing which did haunt me was the tone in that young carer’s voice. Probably only about twenty-five years old, but with a voice now trying to conceal a combination of fear, and trying to keep calm. Much like one might imagine coming from someone inside a doomed airliner, unable to get out.

 All text, pros, poetry & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.

2 Apr 2020

M-m-m-my Corona part 3.


In light of current events one of the two exhibitions I applied for recently has decided to go “virtual”: An on-line show only. In some ways I suppose it will make little difference. That’s how most people experience art now anyway, and in greater numbers.

The other exhibition is intending to go ahead. Perhaps they can space the paintings 2 metres apart, with police barrier tape on the carpet. “Move along please, you’ve been stood there looking at that one for virtually five minutes already!"

I am reminded of the Jerome Kern song: “A Fine Romance, my friend this is, a Fine Romance with no kisses”. It’s all well and good, but it won’t make babies.

 All text and photos copyright Ian Gordon Craig.