Showing posts with label cinema. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cinema. Show all posts

1 Oct 2007

Tower Cinema, Skegness.


After collecting my painting of Skegness’ Tower Cinema, from Thoresby Gallery's absurd idea of a “Salon des Refusés”, I have made some changes. Originally it featured a second figure walking towards the front of the composition. It’s much better now with just that solitary girl.

The painting is about the passing of time, as symbolized by that sunset going down behind a building that has looked much the same through the decades.  I do think my reason to start visiting Skegness for annual day-trips, was something to do with looking for old England, a country I would recognize from childhood, or at least those years before full time employment took over my life.

 All text, pros, photos, poetry & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.