24 Nov 2020

A poem for the pandemic.



What day is it today?

How to make my time go by?

The street is filled with school yard silence

No vapour trails in the sky.

An updated version of this poem was included in my book "46 Contemporary Poems".

 All text, pros, poetry & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.

18 Nov 2020

M-m-m-My Corona part 17. End bit.


I had intended to write something today about the current and on-going Covid situation. Not necessarily from a personal perspective, but also a historical one. For example, more civilians have already died from this virus in the last 8 months than died in the whole of the Second World War. So they are telling us. Whether they died from Covid or Covid was simply present, is not known. There are questions to ask. There may not be answers.

But my creative mind is currently blank. Erased no doubt by this pandemic situation: A time when both everything and nothing seem to be happening at one and the same time. Like knowing the world is still going round but, from the comfort of the lockdown armchair and from behind the face mask, who can tell?

It will pass.

All text, pros, poetry & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.

12 Nov 2020

#portraitnovember 2020


A series of "fun" self-portraits in the style of various artists. Top to bottom: Warhol, Picasso, Modigliani, Magritte, Gauguin, Braque. Portrait November was a Twitter art challenge.

All artwork copyright Ian G Craig.