17th June: Finished an acrylic painting, “Thoresby Fields Forever”, based on a sketch I made in January of last year. I really like the sketch, not so much the painting. I can never get the same feeling a second time around.
19th June. Thoresby Hayride:
I was a little disappointed the hay ride route didn’t go past Nelson’s Pyramid as it has in the past, but thrilled to see my old home The Woodyard, and delighted to spend some time afterwards in the Village Hall and bar, where I was surprised to see an old primary school photo with me in it on the wall.
It being impossible to hold a sketchbook steady on a trailor I made some sketches from the video I shot.
It being impossible to hold a sketchbook steady on a trailor I made some sketches from the video I shot.
Video of Thoresby Estate Hayride on THIS LINK.
All text, pros, poetry & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.