30 Sept 2010

Summer stress & higher spirits.

Spent the end of July and the first weeks in August, wiping off as much paint as I applied. Much retreating to the duvet ensued.

 Rusty Pearl came by again, a city fox I call my animal spirit guide. She stood on the patio and pointed to the empty space where I used to put out raw chicken for her, but what I think she was really doing was pointing out the empty space in me compared to how I was when first we met. She always communicates so clearly. Seriously.

The last week of August found me playing guitar and singing in an after-hours jam session. A very casual affair, but it felt good after so many years. Never thought I'd be doing that again.

All text, pros, photos & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.

15 Sept 2010

summer snapshots 2010

 One to remember.

All images and text copyright ian g craig