30 Mar 2009

Lights, camera, action.



I have no idea what time it is. I didn’t know whether I was meant to put the clocks forward or back, and that was a couple of days ago. But I do want to keep some track of Time here.

March has seemed rather quiet, especially for a month renowned for its characteristic winds of change, like the one’s which tore down my fences last year. But I have been active creatively. In fact, almost non-stop.

March evenings have found me in my studio, firmly attached to my glue gun (often quite literally), constructing sets for the next round of promo videos I make for a musician friend. It’s a refreshing challenge, responding to someone else’s creation. I can construct the sets quickly, like “action painting”, then modify them whilst checking the composition, getting everything ready before the performer enters the shot.

See finished video on THIS LINK.

All text, pros, photos & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.