31 Dec 2024

End bit.

 “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” (Charles Dickens).

Mostly, it was the best of times. For sure. From 2006, having a painting being shown in Thoresby Gallery, just a short walk from my one-time primary school, to 2019, and exhibiting / selling a print in the Harley. Thirteen years of fun, creativity, making art, writing. I thought of it as a continuing series of adventures, and it was. Until the world suddenly turned on its axis. Or was it just my world? Either way, the people and places of those adventures would never be the same.

The Covid pandemic, 2020 / 2021, with its dubious vaccinations and lockdowns, seemed to set the mood for what followed, though was not entirely to blame. Significant places for my sketchbook activities became forever off-limits. Significant people moved on. I am sure everything is alluded to, one way or another, within this blog. But no regrets. 2022 found me once again exhibiting and selling. 2023 had me publishing. 2024 has me mostly wondering, “Okay, but what shall I do now?”

I’m not really sure. But whatever it is, I shall write about it on a new blog. ‘Bye for now.

All text copyright ian gordon craig.

28 Dec 2024

The Homeland.


I still like to wander around the homeland from time to time. I guess I always will.

All photographs copyright ian gordon craig.

20 Dec 2024

Out with the old, in with the new.

It is one year since the publication of my first book, “46 Contemporary Poems in Various Styles”.

It’s been a year of sketchbooks, keeping my Twitter / X page active, as a place to promote my book and my art. One might say it’s been a year of promotions. But it’s also been a year, at least the last few months, of starting my second book. And this I have done.

So, I’m thinking the New Year is going to be in need of a new blog. The blog you are reading now is totally public. The new blog won’t be public for a while yet.

All text and photographs copyright ian gordon craig.

5 Dec 2024