Weather was fine enough to visit Thoresby Park. I needed a bit of an art reset. So, oil pastels on large, cheep brown wrapping paper was the challenge of the day.
All artworks copyright ian gordon craig.
One might think that having done all the writing & editing work, then the Kindle Create and upload stage would be easy. No. However, all is done now. I am published: "46 Contemporary Poems in Various Styles".
My original idea was to include 47 poems, the family's lucky number, but I rejected one piece. Reading one’s words on Kindle, as opposed to all the weeks of reading through them on my laptop, is a little odd at first. Seeing them through the "lens" of a Kindle screen, as indeed the audience will, takes a bit of getting used to. But by bedtime, I got over that.
I am thinking ahead now to a possible "46 Short Stories & Pros"...
All art and text copyright ian gordon craig.