15 Jun 2021

A little more stable.

 I seem to do so little at present, that it’s difficult to post any kind of meaningful update.

I had my 2nd Astra Zeneca vaccination, after the shingles had cleared, very lucky to have had only a mild case. My general health and state of mind has improved of late. Looking back a few months, I think I was in quite a “dark” place without realising it. So many things changed all at once: I remember happily sitting in the sun outside the Harley Gallery, Summer 2019, having been exhibited and sold there, after which a veritable tsunami of distressing events swept in, culminating with this covid epidemic.

Ironically, it was getting ill with shingles, which seems to have helped sort me out. With nothing much to do but rest, I kept repeating to myself: “Stop thinking about anything right now. Just rest. Get better, and then decide what it is you WANT to do”. More significantly, what things do I NOT want to do any more. That’s when peace of mind started to settle in. Long may it last.

Never dwell on the fact that things will never be the same again. Ask yourself, “How much of it would you even want it to be?”

All text copyright ian gordon craig.