It’s that time of the year, at that time of the evening, when the seasons could as well be slipping away from winter as moving into it. Walking back from the garage shop I see vapour trails once again in the evening sky, which have been absent during the lockdowns. I kind of missed them, and the familiarity of the patterns they leave as they descend to far away Midlands Airport.
I’m not sure when the current lockdown ends. I think quite soon. Even so, I doubt that will change my life all that much from what it has recently become, with its pandemic concerns. Last year, what with all the duties associated with Power of Attorney and Probate, my nose was pressed to the computer screen and its endless paperwork. I think it was stress and exhaustion which brought on the night sweats and palpitations. Now the paperchase has ended, the sweats and palpitations seem to be over. Moving on…
All text copyright Ian Gordon Craig.