28 Jun 2012

Skegness revisited. "Skeggie Day"


 About six years ago I had an idea for a painting. It was about a girl on a deserted beach. I wrote about it on THIS LINK, but never made the painting I envisaged. Instead, I painted Tower Cinema, Skegness, and although I was very pleased with that result, I regretted not sticking to my original idea. So, this month I asked a friend to pose for my original concept.

We had to cheat. Rather than travelling to the coast I got her to stand on a fence in Clumber Park, it presenting the right perspective of the figure against the sky. For the pier and the breakers, I had enough resources already from previous trips. After completing the painting I also wrote a poem about the day trip which would be published in my book "46 Contemporary Poems".

All text, pros, photos & artwork, copyright Ian Gordon Craig.